Tuesday 3 July 2012

I Like Big Trees& I Cannot Lie?!

Sitting outside the here on my own, drifting between day dream and 14hour travel fatigue-sleep, I realise what I ‘really’ missed about Zimbabwe when I was/ am in Namibia.(family and friends please don’t be offended) I look up and feel the streams of little bits of sunlight filtering through the trees! Yes! TREES!! Greenery, lush shrubs and most importantly grass! I imagine how ridiculous it must sound to hear someone refer to missing ‘grass’ and ’green’ who’s not remotely referring to drugs but believe me when I say I mean it (the vegetation that is…well maybe both?!) there’s something about vegetation, it’s a symbol of hope, fertility, promise, opportunity, life. Don’t get me wrong though there is grass in Namibia, for the minority who can foot the expense of maintaining kickass landscaping and erhm the government parks of course. I would camp at the park but I’m not homeless, I would go to sit in the park and read a book every other day but , although I may not be homeless I still am a student who can’t afford to indulge such longings(unless alcohol related) at wrong times of the month. Back to the point, I love you Zimbabwe and I missed your ass, I meant grass, I missed your grass.

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