Monday, 31 December 2012

Are your Resolutions S.M.A.R.T?

I'd Buy the Basket!
It’s that time of the year, when it seizes to exist, the year that is. Not necessarily life but I guess it does to a certain extent; okay okay, this is what I am trying to say. (Deep breath)The year has come to end and a whole lot is coming into play, evaluations of the accomplishments of 2012, successes, victories, acquisitions, failures, heartbreaks, losses; the list goes on and on as I’m sure you know.
''New Years Resolutions are stupid!''
As you do your stock taking, balancing your books for 2012 and a lot doesn’t seem to add up; pour yourself a whiskey, it gets better as time goes on. ‘Rome wasn’t built in day’. By all means, DO NOT hurl yourself off the highest bridge or building because you feel as though you ‘failed’. Sure you probably have failed, but remember experience through failure is both the best penance and teacher for things we can ultimately do BETTER! (that’s my quote hands off!)
Maybe I feel that way because I have always thought New Year’s Resolutions are stupid!!  

Goals on the other hand are NOT. So! To cut a long story short when all else fails and you find yourself with typical need to tackle this year all so aggressively minus the unrealistic manic depression stuff!
When you're making your goals this year make sure they are SMART:

Okay, okay, not that kind of Smart! Read on...Nothing to 'snip' here!

A detailed idea of where, what you want to do and be is easier than a wishy-washy generalized thought of your goal. Be precise about your plan, simplicity is genius but precision never fails, the combination? Ingenious! (I did it again!)

 Remember in primary school when we learnt to count to ten? Oh wait that was actually pre-school, my bad. Use those ‘amazing’ number skills of yours to establish numerically your Points A-B throughout the year.
So instead of saying you would like to buy a car ‘sometime’ this year; consider saying “I would like to save 500bucks each month for 10 months so I can buy a car!” See? Easy Peasy!

In the previous example of the Car, now you know you gotta get your Sha-guar on! BUT is it possible? And if so how are you going to go about getting your goal in motion. You need a new outlook now (obviously), a new strategy or approach.
Another example for the ladies this time, Girl if you are a Shoe shop-a-holic you may need to redirect the shoe money towards the Car saving money, instead of spending how you usually do. Bear in mind
“Insanity is doing the SAME thing expecting a DIFFERENT reaction” – Albert Einstein

Is your goal possible? Are you both willing and able/capable of reaching them? How far are you willing to go to get it done? A goal can be both high and realistic; you are the only one who can decide just how high your goal should be. But be sure that every goal is rational, none of that Scott Pilgrim nonsense!
This is the essential bit you only have exactly 365 days to attain these, goals, Resolutions, achievements, is there an actual balance between your goals and the length of time you have to achieve them. A goal should be grounded within a time-frame. If not you’re breeding a horny relationship with procrastination, she hot easy and your taste for her is insatiable. I suggest you look the other way and put some sensible time to your plans so you’re a lot more urgent in making them work!
Here's your list!
That said have a brilliant New Years Eve and a kicAss 2013 !!!
And even more KickAss SMART Resolutions .x


  1. pinda mu S.M.A.R.T. !!! Loved it!!!

  2. I know right I had to make fun that advert sum how! Glad you liked it please keep reading.x
